Creating and Editing Email Templates
  • 13 Sep 2022
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Creating and Editing Email Templates

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Article Summary

Required permissions

An employee must be assigned to the Shop with a Power User role or higher to create and edit templates on a Shop Owner level.

How to edit or create an email template


To edit or create a customized email template:

  1. Go to Configuration > Templates > Mail Templates
  2. Click Add and select the level of the mail Template: Generic or specific for a Shop.
  3. Enter template Name, the template Code will be auto-filled.
  4. Select Mail Kind and template Type.
  5. Select a specific Shop for which the template will be used, or leave the field blank if the mail template is used for multiple shops.

Only employees with Shop Owner Admin permissions or higher can create generic mail templates universal for all shops.

  1. Select a Culture in which the template will be written.
  2. Optional: choose a Group of employees the template will be available for. Or leave the field default available "For all Groups".
  3. For Supplier type template: select a specific Supplier for whom the template will be used, or leave the field blank if the mail template is used for multiple Suppliers.
  4. Enter the Subject line. It could be populated with the merge fields as well.
  5. Change the mail body text using the formatting options at the top menu. Or switch to Code View to edit the HTML version of the mail template.
  6. Populate the subject field, and mail body with the applicable merge fields. Use the merge fields pull-down buttons above the mail body to quickly access the most used merge fields. Or click the Available MergeFields button and specify the item code (order, invoice, or shipment) to view the extended dynamic list of available merge fields. The pdf file will be opened in a popup window displaying the list of all relevant merge fields for the item with the values of the specific item selected next to the field names.
  7. (Optional) For internal kind mail templates: add an Attachment or add a Report that will be autogenerated the moment the email is created.
  8. Select a Category for the mail template. The email created from the template will be automatically assigned to the provided category.
  9. Click the Test Template button and provide the applicable entity code to test the newly created template.
  10. When you have finished creating the mail template, click Save or Save and Close.

Please view Merge fields, Collections and Conditions for more information on how to create a shop's universal document templates.
For more details on the available merge fields, see List of Merge Fields.


Invoice and order documents are automatically generated and attached to the email as PDF files, based on the type of mail template selected.

For example, rather than typing out your shop URL address, select a $$Shop.UrlSecure$$ merge field from the Shop pull-down in the body editor menu. ShopCtrl will automatically retrieve the shop URL address from Shop Details Page > URL field.


Copy-pasting text in the rich text editor, especially merge fields, might ruin the merge field's code. Please cross-check the correctness of merge fields by switching from display to code view.